Renovate to Profit Share
Our Renovate to Profit Share solution allows home owners who are struggling to sell their property (due to the current un-renovated condition of the property) to be able to fully renovate the property at no cost to themselves, and share in the additional equity the renovation has made.
How the solution works:
  1. We (seller and ourselves) agree on a current un-renovated sales value.
  2. Legal paperwork is drawn up by solicitors to protect yourselves and Jones Property. This is paid for by us.
  3. We arrange, manage and pay for all the renovation works. Generally 2-8 weeks depending on the size of the renovation.
  4. Once the property has been fully renovated, we arrange and pay for the property to be professionally dressed (furnished) as this improves sales price and speed of sale.
  5. We arrange for the property to be put on the market with your local estate agent.
  6. Once the property has been sold we recover the cost of the renovation, legals etc, then the profit between the initial agreed un-renovated sales value, and the actual renovated sales price is split.
  7. You now get to enjoy the additional money made from the renovated property, as you will.

Here is a basic financial example of how it works:

  • Agreed un-renovated sales value……………………………………………….. £200,000
  • Renovation costs including legals etc………………………………………….. £20,000
  • New renovated sales price……………………………………………………….. £260,000
  • Additional profit to be split (£260k – £200K – £20k = £40k profit)…………… £40,000 (20k each)
  • You walk away with £220,000 rather than £200,000

Benefits to you the Seller
  • You get to share in the new higher sales price that a renovated property achieves.
  • Even taking into account renovation works time, your home will generally sell quicker, as un-renovated properties can sit on the market for 6 months or more.
  • We cover all costs involved, you just pay the estate agent fees as you normally would.
  • We look after all management of renovation and sale, you sit back and enjoy the profit.
Do you have a property that you are struggling to sell due to it requiring to be brought up to date?

Would you like to share in the profits your renovated property will make?

Then call our team for a friendly, confidential and no obligation chat on 07427 085 352