What are HMO Properties?
HMO is an abbreviation of House of Multiple Occupation, relating to shared rental properties where multiple non-related tenants occupy a house or flat on a per room basis.
It is very important to understand rules based around HMO’s, as HMO properties have additional safety and legal requirements to a single let property, and certain HMO properties require a mandatory license.
What should I be aware of with HMO properties?
In general HMO properties are seen as bigger income generators for investors/landlords which is generally true, BUT many considerations need to be taken before taking on a HMO property.
Though yields are higher with HMO properties compared to single lets, the additional set up and management costs need to be weighed up. Investors will have a much higher initial set up cost with the requirements of fire doors, emergency lighting, fire detectors etc. Then on-going maintenance costs and management time and costs will also be much higher.
For the above reasons many people feel that HMO properties are for more experienced investors/landlords.

The Official Definition of a House in Multiple Occupation:
In the 1985 Housing Act the definition of a “House in multiple Occupation” is a “house which is occupied by persons who do not form a single household”.
Basic Qualification Overview of an HMO, (though the full legal qualification is very complicated):
  • A house or fat with 3 or more non-related tenants.
  • A house or fat that has been split into bedsits with tenants sharing kitchen and bathroom, but having exclusive use of bedroom.
  • Students living in shared accommodation.
  • A multi-let house with 3 or more stories.
Main Overview of Additional Legal & Safety Requirements of an HMO:
  • Walls and ceiling plasterboard are required to be double thickness.
  • Requirement for self closing fire doors on all habitable rooms that lead onto the hall and stair well.
  • Interlinked fire detection system.
  • Emergency lighting in all exit routes.
  • Fire extinguishers and fire blankets.
  • Above are the main requirements in additional to standard single let requirements like gas/electric certificates etc, but contact your local housing authority for full list.
Basic Qualification Overview of Mandatory Licensed HMO:
  • A HMO property with 3 or more stories.
  • A HMO property with 5 or more tenants.
Basic Overview of Problems/Hazards Associated from HMO Properties:
  • Tenants tend to be more transient, so higher void periods are possible.

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